Two more Chardon High School juniors, Demetrius Hewlin and Russell King Jr., have died from wounds sustained in yesterday's cafeteria shooting, bringing the death count to three.

Suspect T.J. Lane remains in police custody. He will appear at a hearing at Geauga County Juvenile Court this afternoon.

Cleveland's Plain Dealer also reports that the early-morning attack was caught on school surveillance cameras. A source told the paper that in the video, Lane can be seen pulling a .22-caliber handgun out of his backpack and approaching a table where Hewlin, King, and Nick Walczak were sitting:

The video shows Lane raising his gun and shooting, the source said. Russell, who students say was shot in the back, is at MetroHealth Medical Center. Demetrius, who students say was shot in the back of the head, is also at MetroHealth. Nick, who was shot numerous times, is in stable condition at Hillcrest Hospital.

Lane fled out the door. Frank Hall, a teacher and assistant football coach who was in the cafeteria, gave chase as dozens of students in the cafeteria raced for shelter.

At some point, not seen by the source who viewed the video, Daniel Parmertor, 16, was shot. Officials have not provided details. He died at MetroHealth.

As Lane ran down the hall toward the east entrance of the school, he fired at a female student, according to the source. Students identified her as senior Joy Rickers, 18. A teacher opened to door to his classroom and pulled her in, the source said. Rickers is in serious condition at Hillcrest.

Rickers and Walczak remain in recovery, and Parmertor died yesterday.

[, Image via the AP]