As part of our ongoing project to catalog the 2012 presidential election from a metal point of view, we've been soliciting presidential endorsements from noteworthy American metal musicians. Today: Agalloch.

We reached Agalloch drummer Aesop Dekker (also of Ludicra and Worm Ourobouros) through a friend, who passed along a strong endorsement of dismantling all systems. Here's his statement in full:

I support the dismantling of all systems.

Click here for our running list of 2012 Metal Endorsements

GWAR's Oderus Urungus Endorses Death for All Candidates on 'Wheel of Over-Sized Knives'
Metal Endorsements Update: Testament and Lamb of God

[Illustration by Jim Cooke. Thanks to Emily Robinson. Are you the publicist, manager, or close personal friend of a noteworthy American metal musician? Please email me at! We will let you endorse anyone: Republicans, Democrats, Egyptian gods, mountains in the Pacific Northwest, etc.]