Just like a Us Weekly cover story in super fast motion, Snooki is not only pregnant but she is also engaged. It's all the life milestones at once! Then why is she being so cagey about it?

Yes, Snooki has yet to confirm (or deny) either the pregnancy rumors or the engagement scuttlebutt, but tat this point both seem like forgone conclusions. She's probably waiting for someone like Us Weekly to come along and pay her for the story her engagement pictures.

Anyway, People reports that she and her finace Jionni LaValle (who she met while taping Jersey Shore) are going to tie the knot. This time it's for real, not like that time she told the press that it was inevitable and they reported her as engaged. I guess it makes sense that the first Jersey Shore wedding would be of the shotgun variety.

[Image via Bauer-Griffin]