The Situation Launches Gossip Site 'Sitch News,' Continues to Overuse the Word Situation

SitchNews, Mike Sorrentino's new gossip site, looks, uh, familiar. The site officially launched on February 20th with the introductory message:
For those of you wondering exactly what we are, let me give you the run down.
Sitch News is an online social/pop culture experience that gives you all the latest and greatest in celebrity, entertainment, nightlife, fashion and Situation Nation news. Put it all in a blender, add one part GTL, a dash of FTD, and a teaspoon of DTF all with a smart, witty, commentary - and that sums us up.
"The Situation" and his talented staff provide a unique perspective for our daily posts, which are sure to keep you amused all day every day. Now, that my friends is a Situation.
This is like The Situation's own version of FUBU. It's for him, by him.
[Image via Getty]