Teacher Fired Over Gay Porn Career Has Been Reinstated

It's been a while since we heard anything about Shawn Loftis (AKA Collin O'Neal), the CNN iReport journalist turned substitute teacher, who was fired last year for his gay porn career. Well, good news for Loftis — he's now back at work teaching at Nautilus Middle School.
On Friday, Loftis said the education commission reversed [his firing].
Loftis argued he wanted to guide students away from making the same mistakes he made, and that what he did was not illegal.
Actually, he can make a good case that his work is educational. When not reporting for CNN, Loftis traveled the globe for his site World of Men (NSFW). As Collin O'Neal, Loftis celebrated gay porn's ability to transcend borders. Watching two men fuck may not be the best way to learn about international relations, but it hasn't hurt me.
Not to mention the fact that Loftis will not be teaching his students about porn.