As part of our ongoing project to catalog the 2012 presidential election from a metal point of view, we've been soliciting presidential endorsements from noteworthy American metal musicians. Today: Omen.

We were able to get in touch with Omen bassist Andy Haas via email last week, and he offered us a statement in support of Ron Paul:

I have to say Ron Paul, He's a Doctor, He has two first names (Very cool when established e.g. John Wayne, James Dean), He has Rick Perry who has already agreed to help him when he needs to be a snidely douche bag...He is already used to dealing with problematic vaginas and he has a really big gap between his eyebrows! Its really to bad that Oderus is not eligible because I would endorse him for sure! His platform is brilliant, the obvious choice and the wheel of over+sized knives is nothing short of genius!

Click here for our running list of 2012 Metal Endorsements

Metal Endorsements Update: Agalloch
GWAR's Oderus Urungus Endorses Death for All Candidates on 'Wheel of Over-Sized Knives'
Metal Endorsements Update: Testament and Lamb of God

[Illustration by Jim Cooke. Are you the publicist, manager, or close personal friend of a noteworthy American metal musician? Please email me at! We will let you endorse anyone: Republicans, Democrats, Egyptian gods, mountains in the Pacific Northwest, etc.]