Two young women were charged with third-degree invasion of privacy today, after they allegedly captured and posted on Facebook a photo of elderly nursing home resident's genitals.

Helian Williams, 26, worked as a nurse's aid at the CareOne facility in Livingston, New Jersey, which, according to its website, boasts "refined décor and elegant accommodations [that] ensure patients' well-being and dignity." These, in addition to private sexy photoshoot sessions.

Williams, who has obviously since been fired, allegedly snapped the X-rated image on her cell phone, and emailed it to her (probably now ex-)friend Michele Walker, 21. Walker posted it on Facebook.

Ronald Chillemi, Insurance Fraud Prosecutor for the state of New Jersey, condemned the women's actions, saying:

"No one should be made to suffer humiliation, particularly at the hands of someone responsible for his or her care."

The women were also charged with conspiracy in the third degree. If they are convicted (as, fingers crossed, they will be), both face a maximum five years in state prison and a fine of $15,000.

Now all that's left is to wonder: Who on their friends list was clamoring for those pictures, anyway?

[Image via Shutterstock]