Rich Bastard Disproves Karma With $200 Million Year

Private equity kingpin and walking manifestation of bad PR for the top 1% Stephen Schwarzman had a great, great year this year. This rich, selfish bastard—who compared a plan to raise taxes on private equity firms to Hitler invading Poland, and who stated that his number one New Year's wish, in the midst of the worst recession in a century, was to create a "tax-free zone" for wealthy foreign nationals in New York—had an outstanding 2011, compensation-wise.
If you want to know the truth, self-pitying plutocrat Stephen Schwarzman made more money than any other private equity guy last year. $139.5 million. (And another $74 million from other holdings.) He won the fucking year. Fuck you and your $137.8 million, David Rubenstein. Maybe you can cut some coupons out of the coupon newspaper and have them give you a discount at the grocery store "sale," ha ha.
Stephen Schwarzman is very, very rich.