Metal Endorsements Update: Magrudergrind's Avi Kulawy for Destroying the Coalescing Big Brotherhood

As part of our ongoing project to catalog the 2012 presidential election from a metal point of view, we've been soliciting presidential endorsements from noteworthy American metal musicians. Today: Magrudergrund.
We're very excited to bring you an exclusive endorsement from Avi Kulawy, vocalist for D.C. grindcore legends Magrudergrind. He emails:
"Destroy the current coalescing big brotherhood"
Click here for our running list of 2012 Metal Endorsements
[Illustration by Jim Cooke. Are you the publicist, manager, or close personal friend of a noteworthy American metal musician? Please email me at! We will let you endorse anyone: Republicans, Democrats, Egyptian gods, mountains in the Pacific Northwest, etc.]