Wonder of wonders! Prominent republican and former presidential candidate John McCain has come forward and said something almost entirely sensible about the contraception debate.

On Meet the Press this weekend, McCain used the words "women" and "choices" without suggesting that women have the "choice" to "close their eyes" during invasive, medically unnecessary procedures. Is this real?

McCain told NBC's David Gregory that a proposed Arizona bill that would restrict insurance for contraception to medically necessary reasons—such as endometriosis or an ovarian cyst—would "be vetoed" because "it doesn't reflect...the majority view of the women in Arizona." He further agreed that his party is engaged in what Gregory called a "war on women":

I think we have to fix that. I think there is a perception out there—because of the way that this whole contraception issue played out—we need to get off of that issue in my view. I think we ought to respect the right of women to make choices in their lives and make that clear, and get back onto what the American people really care about.

Well, I never.

[HuffPo / Video via.]