Let's face it: Bicycle riding—while not as overtly menacing as, say, motorcyles—can be a dangerous enterprise. If you ride your bike in the city you are constantly running the risk of getting hit by a car, facing a criminal case of crotch rash, or ruining your lungs. Add that to police crackdowns, and you've got serious physical and financial risks to consider before hopping on your fixed gear. It doesn't end there.

Recent reports are showing that bike riding is also harming women's vaginas. That soreness and numbness you get "down there" after a nice long bike ride? That's reducing what Yale scientists are calling, "genital sensation." In other words, it's a very bad thing. The cure? "No nose" bike seats put all the pressure on your sit bones (which can handle all the pressure) instead—I've just never heard of anybody using one.

[via New York Times Well Blog, Image via Getty]