And we're back with the second installment in the Kony campaign saga, Kony 2012: Beyond Famous. This time the video focuses on Invisible Children CEO Ben Keesey, rather than fallen angel of masturbation Jason Russell. In fact, other than a few grainy images and a handful of brief mentions, Russell is missing from the video completely.

The ridiculously named Beyond Famous is damage control at it's finest. It addresses criticism the first Kony video received and reminds us of the campaign's original goal: to make Joseph Kony famous. "And YOU did that," Keesey congratulates us. So while there's no mention of Russel's arrest, the video is meant to subtly remind us that that—Russell's very public meltdown and possible total destruction of the campaign—isn't the issue at hand. The sequel is a call to get back on track, with reminders that Cover the Night, a New York City-based protest, is still happening on April 20th, that children are still being abducted by the LRA, and that Invisible Children can still make a gimmicky and moving viral video that feels like a Google Chrome ad.

Did it work? Are you on board?