Last night's premier of The Client List, Lifetime's made-for-TV-movie-turned-made-for-TV-show, saw Jennifer Love Hewitt scampering about in lacy lingerie giving handjobs. It's interesting then, that a show whose plot centers around Happy Endings would opt for a more modest promotional ad.

Two versions of the same Client List posters were distributed: those featuring Love Hewitt's prominent rack, and those that show it dramatically reduced. The boob-less ad appeared only in Entertainment Weekly, while the bosomy untouched version went up everywhere, including billboards across L.A.

The "reverse Photoshop" occurred unbeknownst to JLH, who said:

Somebody sent me a copy of the photograph, and I was like, ‘Ummm . . . what happened?I'm not quite sure what's going on. But apparently somebody wanted me to have a boob reduction.