Just days ago, we learned that Nadya "Octomom" Suleman was going to appear in a masturbation video — which is definitely not porn, because she once said she would never do porn. Today TMZ reports that Octomom has filmed her first scene, and it sounds like she's a pro.

In traditional TMZ style — lots of elipses and exclamation points — we now know that Octomom was nervous when she arrived on set, but that producers screened some masturbation (NOT PORN) videos for her to give Suleman an idea of what she was doing. She also talked to other porn stars who were hanging around the house, presumably waiting to film instructional videos that also don't fall under Suleman's definition of porn.

Rest assured, Octomom quickly got the hang of it.

But when it was time for Octo to get down to business ... with herself ... one source on the set tells us "She was a natural ... she looked great!!"

Side note: When you're quoting someone, how do you know he or she intended two exclamation points at the end of the sentence? I digress.

Suleman will be back on set next week to film more tasteful self-love scenes. Here's hoping she got the money up front: Octomom filed for bankruptcy earlier this week.

[Image via WENN.com]