Radar is reporting that a second masseur has come forward to claim he was sexually assaulted by actor John Travolta, one day after a similar allegation was made by a masseur in California.

In the new lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles this morning, Travolta is accused of having engaged in behavior of a sexual nature during an in-room massage that took place at a resort in Atlanta on January 28th of this year.

According to the plaintiff, he initially attempted to get out of giving Travolta a massage by asking a co-worker to sub for him, but the co-worker declined, telling the plaintiff Travolta was banned from the LA spa in which he used to work.

On the morning of the massage Travolta had "a strange demeanor, bloodshot eyes and climbed onto the already setup massage table...Travolta removed the entire sheet from his body, and he claimed the sheets were sticky and could not tolerate the heat...Travolta further indicated that he likes a lot of "Glutes" work meaning a massage on his buttocks...While he was massaging near Travolta's buttocks area, Travolta would open his legs and spread his butt cheeks open and had a full erection and would maneuver in a way to try to force Doe Plaintiff No. 2 to touch his anus and around his anus."

Travolta then allegedly upped the ante by turning on his stomach and trying to force the plaintiff's hand "on his scrotum." The lawsuit continues:

Then, Travolta started to grab, rub and caress Doe Plaintiff no. 2's upper thighs and buttocks....Travolta still had an erection and wanted his abdominals done, but Travolta's erection was in the way and he refused to have his penis covered by a sheet of a pillow case cover...Travolta started masturbating about 15 minutes left in the session, and Doe Plaintiff No.2, said he had to go.

Travolta's camp has vehemently denied the claims made in the initial lawsuit, releasing a statement saying the lawsuit was "complete fiction and fabrication," and threatening to sue the masseur for malicious prosecution.

While Travolta's rep contends that his client was on the East Coast during the time the massage supposedly took place, he'll have a harder time dealing with the second lawsuit, as he happened to be in Atlanta shooting a movie in late January when the second incident is said to have occurred.

Additionally, Doe Plaintiff No. 2 says he has "substantial documentation and numerous witnesses regarding the substance of Travolta's actions."

Both of the accusers are being represented by the same attorney, Okorie Okorcha, and both are seeking at least $2 million dollars in damages.

UPDATE: Travolta's attorney, Marty Singer, has just released a statement calling the second lawsuit "just as fabricated as the claim by Doe #1."

[photo via AP]