The lawyer representing the two masseurs accusing John Travolta of sexual assault says more may come forward very soon.

"There's a bunch of accusers against Travolta who have similar accusations," Okorie Okorocha told People magazine. "Many have contacted me, and I'm still vetting their stories. More defendants might come forward soon."

Okorocha also revealed that the two John Does sought to keep their respective incidents quiet, but were left with "no other option but to file the lawsuit" when negotiations with Travolta's lawyers broke down after a month.

TMZ earlier today published photos and a restaurant receipt claiming to prove that Travolta was in New York the day he was allegedly at the Beverly Hills Hotel harassing John Doe #1.

Concerning the second incident, which supposedly took place in Atlanta around the time Travolta was confirmed to be in town, the actor's attorney Marty Singer said Okorocha obviously "checked media reports that my client was in Atlanta working on a movie."

[photo via Getty]