House Republicans Cripple Obama Admin Fight Against DOMA Hours After President Expresses Support for Same-Sex Marriage

Proving once again there was no day so historic that it could not be spoiled with partisan assholery, the Republican-led House refused to let the tweets settle on President Obama's same-sex marriage support proclamation before moving to hobble it with a measure ensuring the Justice Department could not actively oppose the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act.
An amendment to the Justice and Commerce Departments' $51.1 billion spending bill, sponsored by Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS.) and approved by 244 of his colleagues, prohibits the DOJ from using taxpayers dollars in any future fight against DOMA.
"It is not President Obama's prerogative to decide which laws matter and which do not, nor his right to challenge constitutional amendments duly passed by the various states," said Huelskamp, a freshman lawmaker whose only previous notable contribution to American progress is legislation aimed at preventing military chaplains from performing same-sex marriage ceremonies in the wake of DADT's repeal.
"The Justice Department is duty-bound to enforce DOMA and to not do so is a flagrant disregard for the Constitution and for the rule of law," he added.
Nancy Pelosi's spokesman Drew Hammill responded to the measure by calling out the GOP for continuing "to plant their feet firmly on the wrong side of history" by voting "in the dark of tie the hands of the Obama administration with respect to their efforts to end discrimination against America's families."
[photo via AP]