The deliciously slow-falling dominoes of the News Corp phone hacking scandal continue to falllllll: Rebekah Brooks, former News of the World editor, News International boss, and Rupert Murdoch bestie, is going to be charged with "conspiring to pervert the course of justice" for attempting to conceal documents and data in the hacking case. Brooks' husband and several others are being charged as well. Brooks denies the charges.

Brooks left News Corp under fire last year with a fat payoff on her way out. She was arrested (again) in March.

Sometimes you say to yourself, "Gee, this phone hacking scandal has been going on for years now, it must be kind of hard on these people, I can sympathize with their plight," and then you reflect on all the stuff about hacking the cellphone of a murdered girl and on the general vicious and unforgiving nature of Rupert Murdoch's tabloid empire, and you sort of get over it.

[Photo: AP]