After last year's census, we discovered that 81% of our readers "lived for" political scandals and celebrity gossip, which is kind of like, "yeah, well, duh." However, a more surprising fact was that 72% of you darling do-gooders participated in philanthropic events last year and 41% regularly empty out your pockets for charity. Congrats! Not all of you gossip-mongering snarkasauruses are jaded societal leeches. Now, give back to your community a little more by taking ten minutes from your day to answer the 2012 Gawker Media Census. You could win a new iPad.

You folks are notoriously opinionated, so now it's your opportunity to be heard. Not unlike those little feedback cards at Applebee's, the Gawker Media Cenus helps us serve you better. It's your chance to let us know who you are, what you're into, and what we could be doing differently. Your contribution is essential to the site, so get cracking!

Thank you! You can now resume kissing sick babies—or whatever it is that you do.

Winner will be chosen at random. Click here for all the rules. Only open to US residents. Readers may also enter by sending the last question of the census and their contact information to Gawker Media, Attn: 2012 Gawker Media Census, 210 Elizabeth Street, Third Floor, New York, NY 10012. The contest begins on May 23 at 11:59am EST and ends on May 30 at 11:59pm EST.