
The 2012 Gawker Media Census Results Are In

Studio@Gawker · 06/20/12 10:59AM

You might have noticed that over the past few weeks we've been bugging you to take the 2012 Gawker Media Census. Well, try not to cry too hard, but the most exciting survey on the whole World Wide Web has come to a close. We learned all sorts of fun facts about the 3,495 Gawker fans who responded this year, like how 50% of readers now watch more movies on their computers than they do on TV. So maybe Qwikster wasn't such a terrible idea?

Early Results Are in: Gawker Media Census Proves You’re Drunk and Dirty

Studio@Gawker · 06/05/12 10:59AM

Last week we asked you to take the 2012 Gawker Media Census, and in return offered one lucky survey-taker the opportunity to win a new iPad. Well, early responses are in, and we learned some interesting info about you guys—like the fact that you're more likely to purchase alcohol than cleaning supplies in upcoming months. Hey, if worse comes to worst, you can always use vodka to sterilize things…

Take the 2012 Gawker Media Census, Win a New iPad, And Prove Once More That You Aren’t Terrible People

Studio@Gawker · 05/23/12 10:59AM

After last year's census, we discovered that 81% of our readers "lived for" political scandals and celebrity gossip, which is kind of like, "yeah, well, duh." However, a more surprising fact was that 72% of you darling do-gooders participated in philanthropic events last year and 41% regularly empty out your pockets for charity. Congrats! Not all of you gossip-mongering snarkasauruses are jaded societal leeches. Now, give back to your community a little more by taking ten minutes from your day to answer the 2012 Gawker Media Census. You could win a new iPad.