As more masseurs claim sexual harassment by John Travolta, the backstage drama is just heating up. Okorie Okorocha, the original attorney representing John Does #1 and #2, is now suing celebrity attorney Gloria Allred for poaching his clients.

According to TMZ, Okorocha — who dropped John Doe #1 when his story didn't match up with the facts — says Allred went after John Doe #2, even though he was Okorocha's client. Included in his lawsuit are the angry text messages he sent to his client, which don't exactly speak to his professionalism.

I can't believe fucking Allred called you. She ain't been in a courtroom in 20 years. Just doing stupid ass press conference side shows.

She does seem to enjoy media attention, although it's probably not wise to characterize all of her press conferences as "stupid ass."

Naturally, Allred is filing a counterclaim against Okorocha for defamation. "Doe #1 and Doe #2 contacted me seeking representation, and we have the evidence to prove it," she says.

Too early to call John Travolta's Massage-gate the Trial of the Century?

[Image via AP]