A teenage girl learned a harsh lesson about oversharing last week when her family's Sydney-area home was robbed after she posted photos of money wads on Facebook.

The Daily Telegraph reports that the money belonged to the 17-year-old's grandmother, and the photos were taken while the girl was helping the 72-year-old count her savings.

A few hours after the pics were posted on her Facebook page, the teen's family home in the Southern Highlands was invaded by two armed robbers who brandished a knife and a club and demanded the cash they saw online.

After the girl's mother informed the men her daughter was no longer living at that address they proceeded to ransack the house. They eventually left with some money and other personal possessions.

Luckily no one was injured, but police have yet to apprehend the perps.

[photo via AHMAD FAIZAL YAHYA / Shutterstock.com]