Chris White, the Fox News associate producer responsible for the highly controversial anti-Obama "ad-alike" that aired twice on Fox & Friends this week, has had a job offer from CNN rescinded in the aftermath of the scandal generated by the video.

According to the New York Times' Media Decoder, the CNN offer was already on the table before the attack ad aired. But Deadline says it heard from a source that the news network reached out to White after the initial airing "and offered to hire him at double his Fox News salary."

Though he was praised by Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy for a job well done, Fox News executive VP Bill Shine quickly released a statement saying the package "was not authorized at the senior executive level of the network," and the matter has been discussed with the show's producers.

Fox News has since kept mum on White's situation, but "insiders" who spoke with The Hollywood Reporter said he had not been disciplined "because he had been planning to take a job at CNN."

White's video was criticized by both the left and the right. Hot Air's Ed Morrissey said the clip provided Fox News opponents "difficult to refute evidence" that the self-proclaimed "fair and balanced" news organization "intends to campaign against Obama rather than cover the campaign."

UPDATE: Shine has just released a statement saying White will remain at Fox News: "We've addressed the video with the producers and are not going to discuss the internal workings of our programming any further."