It's been a little over a month since George Zimmerman got released from jail on an $150,000 bond. And just slightly less than that long since we learned he raised a lot of money on his website. Now the discrepancy between how much Zimmerman had, and how much he disclosed to the court, is being addressed.

Zimmerman has had his bond revoked and will have to return to custody by Sunday afternoon. According to prosecutors, Zimmerman had access to at least $135,000 from donations to his website — a more conservative figure than had been previously reported — and misled the court. Zimmerman's wife Shellie said she had no idea how much money had been raised shortly before her husband's bail was set at $150,000.

On Friday, prosecutor Bernie De la Rionda spoke about the Zimmerman family's deceit.

This court was led to believe they didn't have a single penny. It was misleading and I don't know what words to use other than it was a blatant lie.

But defense attorney Mark O'Mara maintains that there was no deceit, and that Zimmerman will be able to explain himself when he's back in custody.

Some speculate that this financial flub will call Zimmerman's credibility into question — after all, he's the key witness in the trial, where he's charged with second-degree murder for the killing of Trayvon Martin. As one Florida prosecutor put it, Zimmerman's believability is "absolutely critical to the case."

[Image via AP]