Freddy Sharp knows first-hand what it feels like to lose it on "bath salts."

The stimulant cocktail — so-named because it is often sold in stores disguised as a common household product such as bath salts in order to skirt legal issues — came into renewed public interest recently after it was linked to the now-notorious "Miami Zombie" attack caught on surveillance camera late last month.

"It felt so evil," says the 27-year-old Tennessean. "It felt like the darkest, evilest thing imaginable."

Sharp says he's been off the stuff for several months — ever since an overdose convinced him to quit. "It felt like impending doom was coming down on me," he recalled. "I felt like I was about to bust loose and actually hurt somebody."

Though he says he wasn't quite brought to the point of wanting to consume human flesh, Sharp claims the designer drug did make him feel invincible. "You feel like you're 10 feet tall and bulletproof, and you actually do not feel any pain."

His description matches reports of users experiencing "super-human strength" and requiring " small army of medical workers" to restrain them.

The involvement of "bath salts" in the grisly assault on Ronald Poppo remains unverified. Police found nothing at the crime scene, nor did the autopsy of Rudy Eugene reveal anything unusual. A toxicology report is expected within the coming weeks.

[screengrab via CNN]