Secretary of Commerce John Bryson Involved in Two Hit-and-Runs; Seizure Cited as Potential Culprit

U.S. Commerce Secretary John Bryson was found unconscious behind the wheel of a vehicle that struck two cars in the San Gabriel Valley on Saturday.
He was transported to an area hospital where he was cited for felony hit-and-run.
According to the LA County Sheriff's Department, the 68-year-old had rear-ended a Buick while stopped at a train crossing. Bryson spoke with the car's three occupants before leaving the scene, "hitting the same car again as he left." He was then tailed by the struck car, whose occupants phoned 911 for assistance.
The incident reports continues:
Bryson then allegedly caused a collision involving a second car at about 5:10PM while driving southbound on San Gabriel Boulevard at Hellman Avenue in the city of Rosemead, where he was found alone and unconscious behind the wheel of his vehicle.
A man and a woman were in the second car, but sustained no major injuries. Two of the three men who were in the first car complained of pain and were treated by paramedics.
A Commerce Department spokeswoman later issued a statement suggesting a seizure the secretary suffered may have caused the collisions.
"Secretary Bryson was involved in a traffic accident in Los Angeles over the weekend. He suffered a seizure," Jennifer Friedman said in the statement. "He was taken to the hospital for examination and remained overnight for observation. He was released and has returned to Washington. The investigation is ongoing."
The LACSD and the San Gabriel Police Department are working jointly to determine the cause of the crashes. Formal charges have yet to be filed.
"The investigation is in its preliminary stages," said an SGPD spokesperson in a statement. "At this point in time, there is no indication that alcohol or drugs played a role in the collisions."
[photo via AP]