Good news, everyone: the phrase "A dingo ate my baby!" is factually accurate.

After 32 years, coroner Elizabeth Morris has finally determined that little Azaria Chamberlain was indeed taken and killed by a dingo during a family vacation at Australia's Ayers Rock.

The cause of her death was as the result of being attacked and taken by a dingo. Dingos can and do cause harm to humans.

So, yes, mystery solved. All it took was three decades to conclusively prove ... exactly what the baby's mother said from the get-go.

Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton always stuck by her dingo story, despite public disbelief. She was subject to a high-profile trial and eventually convicted of Azaria's murder — but that was overturned.

But the case is most famous for the film A Cry in the Dark, in which Meryl Streep played Lindy. She earned an Oscar nomination, and made "A dingo ate my baby!" a household phrase. Or, OK, at least something weird you could say out of context.

Here's a trailer for the 1988 film. No word yet on whether or not Streep is down for a sequel.

In a press conference, Chamberlain-Creighton expressed her gratitude over the verdict.

We're relieved and delighted to come to the end of this saga. And I'd like to thank [my solicitor Stuart] Tipple, without whose strength and tenacity and unrelenting persistence, we would not have been able to fight so hard and so long.

She went on to urge her fellow Australians to take the appropriate precautions against dingos.

It has been pointed out that the original phrase is, "A dingo's got my baby." "A dingo ate my baby" is from Seinfeld, because so many great things are.

[Image via Shutterstock]