Robinson Funeral Home, a fourth-generation business in Easley, South Carolina, has announced the impending addition of a Starbucks franchise to its existing services, which currently include a chapel and a crematory.

The so-called "Coffee Corner" will also offer mourners food, a fireplace, and free Wi-Fi.

Owner Chris Robinson said the funeral home his great-grandfather started was located inside a main street general store where coffee was served, and it has been serving free coffee ever since, so the decision to open a Starbucks was not as far-fetched as it seems.

Also, he notes that the coffeehouse will not be intrusive — "you walk in the front, and it's off to the side" — and is open to the all, irrespective of mourning status.

The funeral home's franchise will be the small town's first Starbucks, though it will not be able to market itself as a Starbucks because it is not a full-sized store.

[screengrab via WSPA]