Philadelphia, the most populous city in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, is a town steeped in culture and history. While it is located just an hour and a half train ride outside of New York City, few have ever set foot there, lending credence to the popular myth that Philadelphia, once a thriving colonial metropolis, has long since washed away, earning it the nickname "America's Atlantis."

Well, Philadelphia does exist. And is, in fact, still a thriving metropolis, full of dreamers and schemers and lemurs and Biebers.

But a city where so much is glitter and glitz, the shadows are made even darker by comparison.

This story takes place in those shadows.

Philadelphia Magazine's Philly Post reports that, a few days ago, a taxicab driver dropped some passengers off at The Gallery, and then some kids off at the pool, "the pool" being a city pavement, the "kids" being fecal matter.

"Dude takes a big ol country shit in the sidewalk," said former Philadelphia resident A.J. Daulerio.

The incident in question begins around the 1:30 mark of the video above. In the clip, a Freedom Taxi Association driver is seen pulling up to a curb, squatting behind his open cab door, defecating a little doodle-do, and then cleaning himself with what appears to be a sock.

The YouTube user who uploaded the clip claims to have telephoned the driver's company to report the releasing of what A.J. Daulerio might describe as a country mouse shit onto city mouse territory, only to be told by the driver's manager, "It's not my job to clean it up. We are not sending anyone out."

"That turd is the size of a baby's arm," said A.J. Daulerio.

The same YouTuber reports that calls to the city's 311 service and to the Philadelphia Police Department resulting in the taking of multiple reports, but the removal of exactly zero shits.

The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America was signed in Philadelphia in 1776.

[Philly Post]