Photos and Reactions From Today's Aurora Shooting

Please click through for a gallery of images from last night's shooting in Aurora.

Shamecca Davis with her son Isaiah Bow, who was a witness to the shooting.
[Image via AP]

From Kurtis Lee, a prayer circle outside Gateway High School.

From Ryan Parker, the bomb squad robot investigating other cars in the Century 16 theater parking lot.

Authorities investigate shooter James Holmes' car outside the theater.
[Image via Getty]

Kurtis Lee tweeted this picture of Alex Sullivan, who was celebrating his 27th birthday by attending the premier. As of this afternoon, Sullivan is still unaccounted for.

Outside the theater in Aurora.
[Image via AP]

Authorities investigate a garbage dumpster outside Holmes' apartment complex.
[Image via Getty]

From Ryan Parker, popcorn outside the theater after the shooting.

Investigating Holmes' apartment complex.
[Image via Getty]

Jessica Redfield was one of the 12 killed.

[Image via AP]

A reporter outside the theater tweeted an image of the scene.

A mother and her son outside Gateway High School where witnesses were being questioned by police.
[Image via AP]

A gas mask at the scene.
[Image via AP]

Jordan Ghawi, whose sister Jessica Redfield was killed in the shooting, created a blog describing the attack.

Outside the high school.
[Image via AP]