A pickup truck—not a van, or a semi truck, or a panel truck, but a pickup truck—ran off the road and crashed into roadside trees in Goliad County, Texas Sunday night. The death toll from this single wreck: 14 people. Fourteen dead people, in one crash.

The truck was reportedly carrying 23 people when it crashed. They were immigrants from Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras, who may have crossed the border illegally. Multiple children were among the victims. From the AP:

Six of those who died in Sunday's crash were still inside the cab of the mangled vehicle and one was in the truck's bed when emergency crews arrived at the scene, said Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman Gerald Bryant. Others were scattered on the roadway and in a ditch between the pavement and the fence line where the truck stopped.

These 14 deaths will fail to cause the nation's flags to be lowered to half-mast and will also fail to spark a public outcry for immigration reform.

[Photo: AP]