"It's been insane," Rocky Mountain Guns and Ammo employee Jake Meyers told the Denver Post in reference to the marked increase in gun sales across Colorado observed in the wake of Friday's deadly shooting in Aurora.

According to the Post, Friday to Sunday saw a 43 percent jump in background checks approved by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation over the previous weekend.

On Friday alone there were 1,216 checks — 43 percent higher than the average number of checks requested during the previous two Fridays.

Meyers said yesterday was "the busiest Monday all year," adding that all basic firearms classes offered by the store have been "booked solid for the next three weeks." The concealed-carry permit course held at the Firing-Line gun store and indoor shooting range in Aurora experienced a similar overbooking situation.

"We've definitely had an increase," said course instructor Dion Studinski.

The Post notes that both the 2011 Tucson shooting and the Virginia Tech massacre resulted in double-digit jumps in background checks and gun sales.

[photo via AP]