The stylized drawings and hip fonts of Someecards do not at first seem compatible with virulent right-wing sentiment. But this is the internet: Wackjobs find a way. Check out these hilarious right-wing ecards, coming to a conservative relative's Facebook wall near you.

I always assumed Someecards—you know, with the retro graphics and wry one-liners—were mainly a liberal fixation. Then I waded deep into the swamp of Someecards' user generated cards. Just go to and search any hot-button subjects, making sure to check the "User cards" option.

So, "Obama" turns up gems like:

or "abortion":

or "llegals":

or "Welfare":

Or "Global Warming":

Anyway, see for yourself! Get out of your damn liberal Facebook filter bubble and sop up a great puddle of right-wing truth, conveyed via joke ecards.