Malaysian Woman Will Compete in the Olympics While Eight Months Pregnant

Nur Suryani Mohamed Taibi (pictured right) found a way to make competing in the Olympics even more impressive: by doing so while eight months pregnant. Suryani will represent Malaysia in the 10-meter air rifle competition, which should, at the very least, move Shooting up in the rankings of Most Important Olympic Events.
Suryani has dreamed of participating in the Olympics since 1997, when she first started shooting. But two days before her trial in January, she found out she was pregnant. At first she thought her dreams were done, but after speaking to her husband and her doctor, she was like, nah, I got this:
"Some people say that I'm crazy. Some people say I'm too selfish. But I just ignore what others say. I just concentrate on what I want to do and what I dream of."
What's more is she thinks her extra heft could be an advantage:
"Now I have balance at the front and the back," she said, with a smile. "So the stability is there."
Suryani is ranked 47th in the world, so it's not like she has a great chance at medaling. But if she does win, she's going to need her unborn daughter to keep it cool:
"On the morning of the competitions, normally, I will say to my baby, 'Mummy's going to compete today so I need you to calm down, and then afterwards if you want to be active and you want to kick a ball or something that's OK!'"
And all this is just too much, really. Regardless, this makes Michael Phelps look pretty lazy.
[Image via AP]