North Korean dictator humble and beloved leader of the people Kim Jong Un is newly married and constantly engaged in high-level international maneuvering such as being mad about where the flags are hung on the Olympic scoreboard. This must monopolize all of the Glorious Leader's time, right? Not so!!!

Glorious leader Kim Jong Un still has time to inspect his nation's key monuments:

Rungna People's Pleasure Ground Opens in Presence of Marshal Kim Jong Un
Pyongyang, July 25 (KCNA) — The Rungna People's Pleasure Ground has been built in Pyongyang as another grand edifice.

It is one of the projects leader Kim Jong Il was specially interested in. It is a product of loving care for people of Marshal Kim Jong Un as well as a socialist wealth to hand down for all ages.

It consists of Dolphinarium, Wading Pool, Fun Fair and mini golf course on Rungna Islet in the picturesque Taedong River.

Glorious Leader, where do you find the time?

 In the Rungna Dolphinarium, he toured the hall for viewing dolphins, the performance tub, the room for scientific and technological knowledge, etc. He underscored the need to serve the visitors' convenience on the highest level for their enjoyment.

He and his wife, together with diplomatic envoys, representatives of international organizations and charge d'affaires ad interims of foreign missions here and their wives, saw dolphins playing stunts to the tune of joyful music.

Glorious Leader Kim Jong Un favors Dolphinariums for all of the people!

Seeing university students riding a very high water slide and enjoying matches at beach volleyball, basketball and volleyball courts, he called for providing the people with many entertainment conditions on the highest level that can be proud of in the world.

Glorious Leader Kim Jong Un will not rest until all of the smiling people are cavorting strenuously with dolphins in the highest entertainment conditions! And despite what the imperialist media of the West may have been telling you as part of its provocative imperialist anti-DPRK propaganda campaign, the people of the world are flocking to the modern DPRK to witness its glorious freedoms firsthand!

Airborne Tourists on Increase in DPRK
Pyongyang, July 25 (KCNA) — A tourist group came here on Tuesday by a chartered plane through the Shanghai-Pyongyang air route.

The flight is available on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Bow, imperialist dogs, before the unified worldwide support that is enveloping Glorious Leader Kim Jong Un in a powerful cocoon of glory!

Floral Basket to Kim Jong Un from Korean in Russia
Pyongyang, July 25 (KCNA) — Jong Il Sim, a Korean residing in Russia, on a visit to the homeland presented a floral basket to the dear respected Kim Jong Un to congratulate his elevation to DPRK Marshal.

The floral basket was handed over to an official concerned on Wednesday.

[KCNA. Photo: AP]