As I write this, British defense lawyer Myles Jackman is trying an obscenity case in the UK. His client has been charged with possession of "extreme pornography"—in this case, fisting porn. And he's live-tweeting the whole thing. A very special Follow Friday.

You may have been made familiar with the fisting fetish, which entails sticking an entire hand in an orifice, by the legendary internet meme Goatse, or mommy porn novel 50 Shades of Grey. Jackman's client Simon Walsh, a former politician and barrister, is being charged with possession of "extreme pornography," after police found fisting porn on his computer. Extreme pornography is outlawed in the UK and could lead to a three-year prison sentence, according to a post on Jackman's blog.

The trial has become something of a media sensation in Britain, what with the free speech implications, even sparking its own hashtag, #porntrial. Jackman is also the "first English lawyer allowed to tweet a trial from court," according to New Statesmen columnist David Allen Green. You might as well start off with a bang!

Luckily we live in America, where fisting is not only legal (mostly) it's taught in our high schools these days. (I mean, I assume it is? I don't know. I haven't been in high school for a while.) So we can just sit back and gawk at Jackman's tweets. The case hinges in part on whether fisting falls under the "extreme pornography" criteria of depicting "an act which results, or is likely to result, in serious injury to a person's anus, breasts or genitals." So it's actually a pretty educational look at the limits of the human anus: ("Datta" is a physician and expert witness. "CPS" is the prosecution.)

Update: The trial is now adjourned until Monday morning. Here's a good Storify rundown of the whole day.