This Lena Dunham lady is going places. The Girls auteuress is not only the toast of the film/TV world—she's now broken the New Yorker barrier with a delightfully enraging memoir of her gay ex-boyfriend.

The piece isn't online in its entirety, so here are some relevant observations:


2) It contains this actual sentence, evidently written on purpose: "I guess I want to have my cake and Tweet it too."

3) In 2010, when Lena Dunham was 24 years old, Lena Dunham's mother said this to her, reportedly, in response to a perceived wrong from Lena Dunham's ex-boyfriend's mother: "How inappropriate! How wrong! That woman is a grownup, and you are a child. Why would she do this?"

4) Wondering why she was being treated inappropriately, Dunham wonders: "What did I do? What set it off? Was it the trailer for my movie?"

5) A crucial plot-point occurs after "my mom's studio assistant lets [her ex] in" the apartment.

6) The essay as it appears in the August 13 and 20, 2012, edition of the New Yorker is substantially similar to a version Dunham read at an event called Refresh Refresh Refresh #4 in September 2010, according to people who were present. Another work read at the same event, by Abraham Riesman, later appeared in Vice with a note indicating that "this piece originally appeared at Refresh Refresh Refresh #4." Not that there's anything wrong with publishing your previously chewed over two-year-old shit in the nation's premier magazine for people exactly like you when you are at the top of your game and the height of your purported creative powers. Anyway, eat your heart out Jonah Lehrer.