The world was very excited to meet Michael Phelps' rumored girlfriend Megan Rossee when she stepped out with him in London on Monday night and now, after a cursory Googling of her name, the world has decided it hates her.

Here's what we know about Megan Rossee so far:

  • Like all of us, Megan is a part-time model, part-time cocktail waitress.
  • According to her self-description on ModelMayhem, Megan is "super easy going and pretty much down for any type of project (that doesn't involve nudity)."
  • Also via ModelMayhem, ModelMegan refuses to work for free unless "hair/makeup or wardrobe are provided." (Her reasoning is that is that "This summer has turned out to be very busy for me" – hint hint.)
  • Speaking of hint hints, Megan loves to drop them about the fact she is dating Michael Phelps. He's tagged in a ton of her public tweets. Like this one:

and this one:

  • She also uploads personal photos of him pretty frequently.
  • Sometimes she even piggybacks off other people's personal uploads. When America's number one Schmitty, women's gold medalist Allison Schmitt, uploaded this picture of Michael Phelps playing video games with swimmers Chris Brady and Kevin Webster, Megan jumped in and retweeted the photo, adding that the scene was "all too familiar" because, hello guys, she knows Michael Phelps personally, in person, very well, close friends, and she just has a very close personal relationship with him, so things about Michael Phelps that you might find interesting are just old hat to Megan, who knows him quite well, intimately, in fact.
  • This PDA is all one-sided. Michael's tagged her in just two tweets since they met in January (one a "Happy Birthday," one a "thanks" when she wished him good luck). To put that in perspective: He's had more Twitter conversations with DJ Samantha Ronson.
  • Megan has not been pictured in the Olympic stands with Michael's mother, Debbie Phelps. Debbie Phelps does not follow her on Twitter.
  • The first person Megan followed on Twitter was Michael Phelps.
  • Megan is an Aries. According to her Xstrology retweets, "Aries dislike restrictions of any kind and a possessive relationship will end up going nowhere." Also, "#Aries need a lot of love."
  • She calls Michael Phelps "bear." Maybe because he swims like a bear? (Maybe.)
  • According to her self-description on Twitter Megan will "be there for you & hearts ;"
  • She has way tiny feet (size 7US) for her height (5'9"). #jealous

So there you have it. Everything we know about Megan Rossee.

Probably slightly more than Michael Phelps knows about Megan Rossee.

[ Model Mayhem // RadarOnline // Twitter // Images via Twitter and Getty Images]