Gymnast McKayla Maroney, "mean girl" of Team USA (or not), may have had to "settle" for second place after she fell during Sunday's vault competition, but all the gold medals in the world couldn't possibly compete with the Internet's most prestigious award: Memehood.

Maroney's "silver medal scowl" so thoroughly impressed New York-based digital designer Gavin Alaoen that he registered a Tumblr blog called "McKayla Is Not Impressed," and went to work photoshopping her barely contained disappointment onto other events in history.

The meme quickly took off, with Alaoen's Tumblr gaining 1,200 followers overnight. And a template he created has allowed users to flood the site with their own submissions.

A fan of other single-topic Tumblrs such as Spock Is Not Impressed and Kim Jong-Il Looking at Things, Alaoen readily admits that his site probably won't be getting a book deal anytime soon.

"It's just a two-or-three-week kind of thing," he told the Wall Street Journal. "It's a hot topic right now. And then it's onto the next one."

Ironically, one of the fad-lovers impressed by Alaoen's meme is Maroney herself. "This tumblr is kinda funny," the teen athlete tweeted. "Made me laugh."

[photo via McKayla Is Not Impressed]