There's no getting around it: This one's tough to watch.

A webcam girl being bombarded with requests to "stop breathing" and kill herself in exchange for "donations" breaks down in tears during her livestream.

"You're horrible, horrible people," she cries. "If I had a choice never to come back here, I would never, ever come back here again."

As the harassment continues, the cam girl becomes increasingly emotional. "God forgot about me. He forgot I existed," she says through tears. "God doesn't care. I want to die."

On Reddit, a user identifying herself as an active cam girl had this to say:

I have to say that she really did it to herself. There are plenty of haters in any cam/chat room. You just need to ignore, block, move on. She let them get to her, clearly. Now, obviously, she has some serious issues which greatly compounded the problem.

From the looks of her current livestream (as of 1:20 PM ET), "Nina" appears to be drinking a relaxing beverage and doing much better.

(Caution: Video below is EXTREMELY LOUD.)

[H/T: Guyism, Reddit, eFukt (NSFW link)]