Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are expected to become married against their will this weekend, thanks to the Power of Positive Thinking.

The couple are said to be throwing a party for Brad's parents' 50th wedding anniversary at their French estate le Château Miraval, but everyone would much rather two movie stars get married than two people we only recognize from the local paper continue to be married, so we've all convinced ourselves that's happening instead.

The Sun reports that the guest list for the event is thought to top out at 20. One of those twenty guests is said to be Angelina Jolie's private jeweler, because there are some people whom you just have to invite, you know? You have to invite Brad's Mom, especially if it's her anniversary party. You have to invite your private jeweler.

George Clooney is reportedly also on the guest list to attend. He'll probably pull some wacky prank like pretending to get really drunk and then letting loose with some classic physical comedy and Brad will think it's super funny and Angelina will laugh like she thinks it's super funny, but will she get it, really?

The Daily Mail spoke to a local government official who said that, if the couple is getting married at their estate, the ceremony will have to take place inside a private chapel on the property. French law dictates civil ceremonies can only be held at the town hall.

"Unlike with a religious wedding, there's no way a couple can hold a civil ceremony at their own home."

Years ago, Brad Pitt stated that he and Jolie would not marry until same sex marriage was legalized across the United States. More recently, he admitted that the couple was considering marriage under pressure from their kids, who are very anti-gay rights. Jolie began sporting an engagement ring in April of this year.

If the couple does get married this weekend, they will finally be allowed to have sex with one another for the first time, which is very exciting.

[The Sun // The Daily Mail // Image via Getty]