Teresa Carter maintains that police in Arkansas killed her son, but officials continue to insist that 21-year-old Chavis Chacobie Carter shot himself in the head despite being handcuffed in the back of a Jonesboro Police cruiser.

In a newly release reenactment video, officers demonstrate how a person in Carter's state could have conceivably pulled out a .380-caliber Cobra semi-automatic handgun and lifted it up to his right temple.

What the video doesn't explain is how Carter came to possess a weapon despite being frisked twice.

According to Jonesboro Police Chief Michael Yates, Carter's hands were free when he was put in the back of the cruiser after the first frisk, and he may have stashed the gun in the car before the second frisk.

An attorney representing Carter's family disputes the claim that the Southaven, Mississippi native shot himself on the grounds that he was not suicidal.

"By all accounts, he was a healthy, happy guy," Russell Marlin told the Associated Press. "There's no reason to think he would have killed himself."

The investigation into the incident continues. Police say they are waiting on the results of an autopsy report and a state Crime Laboratory before submitting a timetable.