Popular Professor Was on Cell Phone When He Was Ambushed by His Killer
Adam Weinstein · 07/28/14 10:00AMMysterious American Private Jet Spotted in Tehran
Gabrielle Bluestone · 04/17/14 11:33PMThis Seductive Nickelback Selfie Is the Douchiest Video Ever
Lacey Donohue · 01/03/14 04:49PM
Erik von Markovik, also known as Mystery, is "famous" in the seduction community for his skills in picking up women. These practitioners of seduction, often called pickup artists, pride themselves on their ability to bag women using such cool tricks as "peacocking" (dressing like an asshole) and "kino" (touching women without their permission). But now there's a new term to add to the pickup artist glossary: Nickelbacking.
'Mysterious Object' Beneath Seattle Blocks Path of Tunnel Construction
Neetzan Zimmerman · 12/11/13 06:42PMSomeone Has Been Leaving Crazy-Generous Tips At Random Restaurants
Neetzan Zimmerman · 12/02/13 02:49PMGabrielle Bluestone · 11/30/13 04:21PM
The mystery surrounding the death of Samuel See, a Yale professor who was found dead in a jail cell last week, has grown — according to the New Haven Register, photos of See, along with his phone number and address, were found on at least four male escort sites under the name Ryan Cochran. Authorities are still unsure of the cause of death.
Revealed: Obamacare Website's 'Mystery Girl' Is Not a US Citizen
Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/13/13 09:41AMMan Dies Mysteriously After Opening Box Labeled 'Pandora'
Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/12/13 10:41AMDad Dies After Drinking 'Health Drink' That Turned Out to Be Liquid Meth
Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/11/13 02:12PMSalesman Dies After Days in Car Wreck; Wrote Farewell Letters to Family
Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/30/13 02:58PMA Plane Crashed at a Major US Airport Yesterday and No One Noticed
Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/30/13 12:51PMIs This Banksy?
Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/16/13 12:31PMWallet Containing $2 Million Check Found on Subway
Neetzan Zimmerman · 09/26/13 02:56PMOSU Students Find Stranger Living Behind Mystery Door in Their Basement
Neetzan Zimmerman · 09/17/13 03:58PMDid Someone Confess a Murder on PostSecret?
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 09/01/13 04:00PMWhat The Hell Is This Horned Sea Monster That Washed Ashore in Spain?
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/21/13 11:52AMKC Man Kills Himself, Leaves Behind Website with 'Treasure' Coordinates
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/16/13 09:30AMA Kansas City man picked up his gun early yesterday morning, headed down to the parking lot outside the Overland Park Police Station, and shot himself. A short while later his website went live.
Mystery 'Miracle' Priest Is Just a Regular Priest Who Did Nothing
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/13/13 09:01AMThey called him the "Miracle Priest" of Missouri 19 — but it turns out the mystery man of the cloth who "appeared out of nowhere" to pray by the side of accident victim Katie Lentz wasn't her "guardian angel," but an ordinary clergyman who acknowledged doing very little to actually rescue the badly injured young woman.