Christopher Bridgeman and Martin Borger, a gay couple from Virginia, are suing United/Continental Airlines for "intentional infliction of emotional distress, invasion of privacy, and negligence" after airline employees allegedly removed a dildo from their luggage, covered it in "greasy foul-smelling" lubricant, taped it to the top of the bag, and then sent it around the baggage carousel for all to see.

In their suit, Bridgeman and Borger say the incident took place in May of last year, upon their return from vacationing in Costa Rica.

They claim to have "experienced extreme shock and horror" at the sight of their luggage, which was accompanied by the "surprised and/or laughing faces of numerous onlookers in the baggage claim area."

The plaintiffs believe they were being pranked by airline workers "because of the fact that the sex toy was contained in the bag of a male," which employees discerned from the name tag and the clothing contained therein.

They seek an unspecified amount in punitive damages.

[H/T: Arbroath, Huff Post, photo via AP]