Is Rick Perry Packing Heat at the RNC?

Governor Perry, is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
He'll never tell. When Politicker asked firearm enthusiast and former presidential candidate Rick Perry if he was carrying in Tampa, he gave an appropriately coy answer.
You never know, that's why they call it a concealed weapon.
Then he chuckled and patted his hip. Always keep 'em guessing, Rick.
If the idea of concealed weapons near a major political convention sounds distressing to you, you're not alone — Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn tried to temporarily ban guns in downtown Tampa during the RNC. But Florida Governor Rick Scott stepped in and made sure that didn't happen.
I mean, can you imagine the horror of walking around a crowded city not knowing that many of the people around you were carrying concealed weapons? Terrifying.
Guns are not, however, allowed in the security perimeter directly surrounding the convention floor. Thanks, Obama.
[Image via AP]