San Antonio Mayor and DNC keynote speaker Julian Castro is Latino. But is he Latino enough? The Daily Caller, America's paper of record for investigations into Jewish summer camps, has put its Latino expert Geoffrey Malloy on the case:

Democrats have high hopes that last night's keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention, San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, can deliver Latino voters to the Democratic ticket and give them a decisive electoral majority.

Yet Castro, who played up his Mexican heritage by speaking a few lines in Spanish, admits "he doesn't really speak Spanish," according to a 2010 profile in The New York Times Magazine.

Holy shit! A bombshell! But where can the Latino voters turn, now that Castro has been uncovered as a complete and total fraud?

A number of news outlets have suggested that Julian Castro represents the Democrats' answer to Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, who, like Castro, is Hispanic and spoke at his party's national convention.

Unlike Castro, however, Rubio is fluent in Spanish, as evidenced by an interview he gave Telemundo last year.

The Daily Caller is the worst website on the internet, I think.

[Daily Caller]