A drunk woman has been arrested after making a total ass of herself on a flight.

Bela Chopra was already drunk when she got on her plane: her eyes were bloodshot and she reeked of booze. But her inebriation might have gone unnoticed if she hadn't taken it upon herself to be really obnoxious.

When the in-flight meal was served, Chopra began stealing food from other people's trays. All jokes about airplane food aside, having a stranger eat off your plate is incredibly unnerving. Chopra did, however, bring her own bottle of gin, which was thoughtful if not wise.

Other erratic behavior included getting out of her seat to use the bathroom while the plane was preparing for take-off and loudly demanding that music be played from the plane's speakers. Or in her words:

I just want the fucking music on.

Crew members who tried to calm Chopra down were told to "fuck off."

Chopra was arrested at Heathrow, where she sobered up and apologized for her behavior.

She explained she had not slept the night before and was terrified of flying.

Chopra said she had been sipping neat gin to calm her nerves which was why she was so drunk.

"Sipping." Right. As a nervous flyer, I can attest to not being able to sleep the night before a flight. But I've never stolen airplane food from other passengers — these things are avoidable.

Chopra will be sentenced at a later date.

[Image via Shutterstock]