Don't you hate it when your wife asks you to get rid of some of your antique radios?

An eBay seller from Colorado definitely does. In his listing for a 1947 radio (now sold, sorry) he makes sure to include references to how much his wife sucks.

WORKING 1947 Majestic radio. I have not refinished or worked on this radio. This is just another example of a radio that I have to sell because the wife thinks I have an ANTIQUE RADIO HOARDING problem. It is in great condition considering that is is 65 years old. I am purposely leaving out any comments about how my wife might look in 20 more years, but it seemed like the right place to mention it because of the FORCED SELL-OFF of my things. I am not a dealer, I just have a "Trophy-Wife". I just can't figure out what contest I won to deserve this? I am copying and pasting the details of what I know about this radio, below.

Take my wife, please.

Just kidding. But seriously, go ahead, she comes with the radio.

[Image via Shutterstock]