Village Voice editor-in-chief and anti-Scientology crusader Tony Ortega announced today that he's leaving the alt-weekly, which he'd edited for five years. What is he doing? What else: writing a proposal for a book about Scientology. As he writes,

In 2011 and 2012, I published 465 blog posts about Scientology — and many of them contained multiple stories.

That's not a blog post. That's a cry for help. If you replace "Scientology" with "the Masonic rituals leading to Prince William's coronation as anti-Christ," I have read that sentence many times on Blogspots linked to by UFO message boards. We all have our obsessions, but the obsession of the Voice's editor-in-chief should probably be the city of New York, not a Florida-based cult (about which the biggest stories of the last two years have been broken by other publications anyway).

Meanwhile, the Voice's music editor, the great Maura Johnston (formerly of Gawker Media's former music blog, Idolator), is also leaving the paper. I guess that guy James King is still around to write unfunny self-aggrandizing racist blog posts?

[Village Voice]