William and Kate aren't going to let a little nude photo scandal spoil their plans: the couple continues their tour of Southeast Asia, today exploring the rainforests of Borneo.

People's palace source swears the tabloid photos haven't had any effect on the couple's excitement.

The tour has been organized to celebrate Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee, and tens of thousands of people have already used the occasion to pay joyful tribute to her reign. Their royal highnesses will not allow this story in any way to dampen that heartfelt and genuine enthusiasm.

But that doesn't mean they're not pursuing legal action.

And now the royal family will have to expand their outrage: Italian and Irish publications are also going forward with the topless pics.

Alfonso Signorini, editor of Italian gossip rag Chi, doesn't see what all the fuss is about.

I don't see anything morbid or damaging in them. Chi pays attention to respecting people's dignity. I don't think they hurt Kate's image.

But Prince William's office says that they are looking into "all proportionate responses" to keep the Italian tabloid from publishing the photos. Good luck with that.

And Irish tabloid The Irish Daily News has already printed the photos — although not for any editions distributed in the United Kingdom.

"There can be no motivation for this action other than greed," said a palace spokesperson. While that's true, it's not exactly shocking. Of course tabloids make money off invasion of privacy — this is nothing new, and if Prince Harry's bare ass didn't bring down the illicit nude photo industry, Kate's boobs aren't going to do it either.

[Image via WENN.com]